3 Ways Dermal Fillers Can Make You Look Instantly Younger

3 Ways Dermal Fillers Can Make You Look Instantly Younger

Feb '22

No matter how hard you fight the signs of aging, sometimes, they’re written all over your face. That’s because our skin is susceptible to several factors that can lead to aging, and unfortunately, many of them are beyond our control. The good news is that Westchester’s Best SkinCenter offers a wide range of injectable dermal fillers that can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. What’s more, these innovative, nonsurgical treatments provide immediate results.

The Toll Aging Takes on Your Skin

Some of the most common hallmarks of aging are thin and wrinkled skin. Even though you can take steps to protect your skin by avoiding harsh weather and prolonged sun exposure, some changes are out of your control. In fact, some of the biggest culprits of aging skin come from changes in your tissue and thinning of the epidermis.

Your epidermis is the top-most layer of your skin. As you age, this part of your skin grows thinner and more fragile. Meanwhile, your body also begins producing less elastin and collagen. These proteins in your connective tissues create a smooth, plump, and supple appearance. So, as they disappear, your skin loses volume and begins to hang more loosely, sagging against the pull of gravity.

When combined with other factors, like sun damage, poor diet, and smoking, your skin continues losing its ability to retain its shape and can take longer to heal. Dermal fillers can counteract these changes by restoring volume to your face.

Here are 3 ways dermal fillers can make you look younger instantly

Filling You in on What Dermal Fillers Can Do

The experts at Westchester’s Best SkinCenter offer an array of nonsurgical contouring treatments like Neuromodulators, Fillers, and Bio-Stimulators to transform your appearance to a younger-looking you.

Botox – is a powerful injectable that works by relaxing facial muscles. It has been used for over 20 years to treat fine lines and wrinkles.

Dysport – Similar in many ways to Botox – Dysport is generally used to improve the look of moderate-to-severe frown lines between the eyebrows and other areas of the face.

Jeuveau – also known as “Newtox,” is a safe, non-invasive treatment that works by relaxing the muscles at the injection site to improve the look of moderate-to-severe lines. 95% of respondents in a survey of 9,000 people treated with Jeaveau reported that they believe the results are natural-looking.

Reveal Your True Beauty at SkinCenter

Turning to the experts at Westchester’s Best SkinCenter will help ensure you get the right tools to cosmetically improve the way you look. Dermal fillers are a safe and effective way to combat the signs of aging and look younger. Our cosmetic professionals will listen to your personal goals and determine the right course of action to meet your specific needs. Every patient’s experience is personally customized to reveal your true beauty.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in dermal fillers or want more information, we invite you to schedule a consultation. Contact us today to determine which treatment is right for you.

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