Botox for Men: What to Know Before Your First Treatment

Botox for Men: What to Know Before Your First Treatment

Jun '23

Sunscreen and anti-aging creams can be effective at reducing the signs of aging. But let’s face it — they’re not perfect. Botox is a more robust treatment to minimize fine lines and boost your confidence both in and out of the office.

With Father’s Day just around the corner, now is a fantastic time to say hello to younger-looking skin. (After all, dads deserve a bit of pampering as well sometimes!)

Botox has significant advantages for men. We’ve rounded up the essential facts you should know about this treatment before scheduling your first session at SkinCenter.

What Botox Is

As its name suggests, Botox is a neurotoxin produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Though it is injected under the skin like dermal fillers, it’s important to note that Botox is not a filler.

Fillers are made from substances like hyaluronic acid and poly-L-lactic acid. Once applied to the target area of skin, these injectables work by restoring volume to skin and “filling” in wrinkles. Botox, by contrast, works by relaxing facial muscles. It does this by blocking the neurotransmitters that contract muscles, so it targets fine lines at their root. If you’re worried about Botox results looking unnatural, though, don’t. You’ll still be able to emote — you’ll just have a tauter façade that hides your natural age!

Where It’s Applied

Botox is typically used to treat forehead frown lines. Though, many use it to reduce crow’s feet and lines between the brows. When you come in for a complimentary consultation at SkinCenter, one of our experienced providers will share your options and create a treatment plan that will help you reach your skin care goals.

What to Do Before an Appointment

At SkinCenter, we’ll clearly communicate what you should and shouldn’t do both before and after your procedure. There are some general rules of thumb as you prep for a Botox session, however.

Two weeks before your appointment, stop taking any anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin or ibuprofen. You’ll also want to steer clear of an alcoholic drink and avoid taking multivitamins containing vitamin E. Abstaining from these things will enhance your body’s natural blood clotting ability during and after the procedure. This will reduce the chances of bruising.

If you’re on any prescription medications, share this information with the SkinCenter team during your consultation. Some pharmaceuticals can increase the likelihood of bruising after the treatment.

What to Expect After an Appointment

Though Botox users report little-to-no downtime with the procedure, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind after your appointment. We recommend that you remain vertical for at least two  hours following your Botox session. This will reduce the side effects of bruising and swelling.

Don’t exercise or apply makeup the day of your appointment. Avoid touching or rubbing your face. Refrain from applying retinol-based products until your SkinCenter aesthetician or provider says it’s okay.

Reap the Rewards of Botox in Westchester

Time to level up your skincare routine? Need some “Brotox” time to rejuvenate your “tired dad” appearance and help give you that edge in your professional and personal life? Schedule a Botox appointment at Westchester’s best SkinCenter today!
