Did Summer Fun Take a Toll on Your Skin? 4 Fabulous Fixes for Your Complexion
In classrooms all across Westchester County, kids are working on their “What I did on my summer vacation” essays. They’re writing about the fun they had – the swimming, the sun, and the adventures they had with their friends. But what about you? If you were out there having a good time with your kids, you’ve absolutely created a lot of great memories. You may also have some unwanted summer souvenirs, in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and other complexion issues. It’s also not uncommon for adults to experience acne outbreaks at this time of year. All of these skin concerns lead to one solution: It’s time for skin care at SkinCenter.
How Summer Fun Impacts the Skin
When that hot sun is beating down, nothing feels better than a quick dip in the pool. While you’re enjoying a refreshing swim, though, your skin is reacting to the chemicals in the pool water. Your skin dries out due to the exposure, and in response, your oil glands kick into overdrive. Factor in the fact that pores can get clogged from sunscreen – which of course you’ve been wearing! – and the result can be increased acne, fine lines and wrinkles, and a change in your skin’s texture and appearance.
If you had a few fun fruity cocktails in a sunny sidewalk café with your best buddies, good for you! Smiling is great for the appearance. The sugar and alcohol in a lot of popular summer drinks – not so much. And we all know that the sun’s tough on the complexion. The signs of aging become more visible. You may notice more fine lines and wrinkles, especially if you’ve got a tan. In some cases, blemishes and discolored patches may appear. Here’s what you can do about it…
Westchester Skin Care to Look & Feel Great!
Luckily, it’s not too difficult to erase the signs of summertime fun from your complexion. Just choose your favorite option from these SkinCenter beauty treatments – all of which are Buy One, Get One 50% Off throughout the month of September (Perfect if you want to surprise your best friend with a spa day outing!).
#1. Selection of Exclusive Facials at SkinCenter
Enjoy expert care for your complexion. SkinCenter’s Exclusive Facial Menu offers a selection of superior skin treatments that address and eliminate skin concerns with a combination of deep cleansing and individually selected nourishing products that rejuvenate and refresh. Think of a facial as a detox for your face – and you don’t even have to eat any kale! Choose a facial if you’re worried about tired, dull skin tone, or dark bags under your eyes. The results are instant and amazing.
#2. Microdermabrasion
Discover the difference exfoliation can make. Microdermabrasion combines crystal exfoliating agents with gentle suction to eliminate the top layer of tired, exhausted skin cells and reveal your natural radiance. This treatment is ideal if you are looking to erase fine lines and wrinkles. Microdermabrasion is also very useful for treating uneven skin tone, discolored patches, age spots and mild sun damage. As an added bonus, microdermabrasion often results in a boost of self-confidence – an all-natural way to feel great!
#3. Chemical Peels
Chemical peels stimulate collagen production and healthy skin growth. That’s exactly what you need to reduce mild-to-moderate fine lines and wrinkles. The improved hydration you’ll experience is great for controlling acne breakouts and minimizesdiscolored patches and skin blemishes. SkinCenter offers glycolic, salicylic, Jessner’s, and TCA peels – our talented, friendly team of experienced aestheticians and clinicians will help you choose which one is right for you!
#4. Dermaplaning
Dermaplaning works by removing the fine hairs on the face that trap oil, dirt, and particles that contribute to acne breakouts. Acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven skin patches are blurred away, and the complexion instantaneously becomes smoother. As an added bonus, dermaplaning makes your skin more receptive to products, so you can be sure that your skin is soaking up every last drop of product! Dermaplaning works on all skin types—including fragile, delicate skin.
Ready to Look & Feel Great?
Schedule your skin care session now! Remember, throughout September, enjoy Buy One, Get One 50% Off pricing on select treatments.
Skin Care Tips, Skin Rejuvenation, SkinCenter Specials
Chemical Peels, Dermaplaning, discolored skin, Facials, healthy skin, Microdermabrasion, skin care tips, sunburn relief