SkinCenter’s Thanksgiving Menu for Great Skin!

SkinCenter’s Thanksgiving Menu for Great Skin!

Nov '21

Fight Aging at the Table This Thanksgiving

Summer is over and we are embracing pumpkin spice lattes and cozy fall festivities. Planning your Thanksgiving menu this year? Some of your family favorites may pack hidden skin and beauty benefits! While we don’t suggest you skip your skincare this holiday season, we can still take a look at your menu to find where you can slip in some beneficial bites!

Green Beans, Anyone?

This versatile veg is a little green powerhouse for your skin. Packed with beta-carotene and lutein to help fight aging, it’s also a great source of antioxidants and vitamins.

Cruciferous Crusaders!

Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts all contain sulforaphane which has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Sulforaphane is also known to help stimulate skin cell renewal.

Red Grapes, Not Cheeks:

Putting out a cheese and fruit board? Don’t forget the red grapes (or red wine!). Red grapes and red wine contain small amounts of resveratrol, which helps protect against sun damage and helps fight acne. Keep wearing your SPF, though!

Little Packages, Big Benefits:

While maybe not suited to everyone’s palate, oysters are loaded with regenerative collagen and zinc. Even if you don’t find a pearl, you may find pearly skin.

Fungus Friends:

Roasted, stuffed, or sauteed, mushrooms are a great source of antioxidants and are a natural anti-inflammatory that can help soothe eczema and psoriasis.

A Steaming Mug:

Even your Thanksgiving leftovers are beneficial! Bone broth contains large amounts of gelatin and collagen, both proteins that promote skin elasticity.

And For Dessert?

Family favorites like pumpkin or pecan pie contain antioxidants like zinc, B6, potassium, and more that help nourish your skin.


Keep your water glass full this holiday season! Staying hydrated is a key ingredient to any successful and glowing skin care routine.

Whether you’re hosting for the holidays or traveling, remember the best SkinCenter in Westchester is here to help you weather the change of the seasons and the bustle of the holidays. Check out our Solutions page for services you’ll surely be thankful for.

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